As a college student, the best part of Halloween is dressing up in a costume. Some people go all out, while others do the bare minimum.
Posts published in “Year: 2022”
To this day, I still have some friends that won’t watch Coraline. And honestly, I don’t blame them. Even though it’s technically described as a children’s movie and I first watched it in elementary school, the underlying themes of this movie are anything but childish.
It’s Halloween already. Every day blends together, and this semester is going faster with ample stress on our shoulders. It is going fast enough that we are already a quarter of the way through the academic year, with seniors’ uncertain future approaching.
If there’s one thing I love more than Halloween, it’s Halloween music. There’s something about Halloween that gives people the creative freedom to just go wild.
Disclaimer: Although this opinion column is titled Girl Talk, sexual assault can affect anyone of any gender.
Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday.
Trick-or-treating was my favorite part of Halloween growing up. I loved to walk around, see other people’s costumes, and collect a hearty stock of candy to eat over the next few months.
(The following is intended to be read in a ghastly, spooky, voice). Welcome to The Stute’s fourth edition of the Halloween Issue!
Celebrating Halloween at college is an intense affair lasting anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. As you might have already noticed, some houses have had their decorations up all month.
In Dublin, summer of 1984, mothers call their children home. However, three children will not be returning home from the dark and silent woods that night, and two of those children will never be returning home.
During my freshman year, I had always walked past the Torch Bearers statue here on campus without thinking twice about it—not even knowing the name of it until today—maybe just with a passing thought about how people always say they’re going to touch the horse in some weird place.