In many movies and TV shows, a scary staple involves a character, most of the time, female, at a party with a drink.
Posts published in “Year: 2022”
Protecting yourself and those around you is crucial: watching for suspicious activity, avoiding potentially dangerous situations, recognizing medical emergencies, and more.
Being in college comes with added personal responsibilities, and everyone’s top priority at events, and in general, should be safety. Our mobile phones are our most valuable asset when it comes to dangerous situations.
According to CDC released statistics, the leading cause of death in the United States was heart disease, with nearly 700,000 reported heart attack-caused deaths in 2020 alone.
College: a place to gather around peers similar to yourself, a place to go out and learn all kinds of new things, and a place to get easily hurt by simply screwing up.
I have a tendency to sleepwalk through my days, performing tasks automatically: roll out of bed, eat cereal with banana slices, teach freshman humanities class.
If you looked at my shower organizer, it might appear that I am an avid collector of bar soap. There are at least four resident bars at all times, sometimes more.
Up until this point, I have covered at least one film from each of the main genres of movies, those being horror, comedy, drama, and animation, within this column.
Yesterday will have marked my first time performing in an in-person Stevens Dramatic Society (SDS) show since my first year. It’s been a wild ride in between, with several virtual productions, and work last year as President and Producer for SDS.
In what was later described by the professor as, “The most comprehensive collective failure of knowledge acquisition and retention by a group of organisms more evolved than the archaea Candidatus Huberarchaeum,” twenty-five students managed to absolutely obliterate a test last week to such an extent no one involved is still on track to graduate.