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Student Center move-in on the horizon

The Student Center, formerly known as Alexander House, is scheduled to open on Monday, December 2, 2019. From now until November 26, student organizations (SOs) and the Office of Student Life (OSL) will be boxing up supplies in preparation for the coming move.

With the recent demolition of Jacobus Hall, students were left without adequate lounge space to socialize and host events. On top of lounge space, the Student Center will become home to the OSL and SO supplies.

Construction on the new Student Center, originally slated to finish at the beginning of this year, will conclude before Thanksgiving break. 

Audrey Dsouza, Editor-in-Chief of The Stute, expressed frustration regarding the construction delays. “I am thankful that we [The Stute] have an office space in the interim. However, my living room is also currently half of the closet for SASE, since I live with two members of the e-board.”

Another group impacted by the move is cultural organizations. According to Sara Klein, Vice President of Student Affairs, at Leadership Connect, cultural organizations will be storing their supplies in the Student Center basement.

Joseph Insalaco, President of the Chinese Student Association, said that he had “not received any word on the cultural organizations on campus having an official move-in date to the Alexander House.” The Chinese Student Association is one of organizations which previously had storage space in Jacobus.

This past Monday, boxes became available on the 7th floor of Howe for SOs and staff to begin packing supplies. Dean of Students Kenneth Nilsen revealed in an email to SOs that are moving offices that furniture and larger office supplies will be loaded from November 22 to November 26. This timeline is tentative, as Stevens is still awaiting a Certificate of Occupancy at the time of this article’s publication.

After everything is packed for November 26, the complete migration will happen after-hours that day. Once Stevens re-opens from Thanksgiving break at 9 a.m. on Monday, December 2, the Student Center will be officially open for all.

The new Student Center will only serve as a temporary home for OSL and SOs. Upon completion of the University Center in the Spring of 2022, all involved parties will move once more to their permanent home.

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