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Snevets for Solitary showcases administrative unity against change

This past Wednesday, several administrative groups joined efforts to host Snevets for Solitary. This event advocated for the community to take a stringent stance against institutional reform to promote apathy across campus.

To kick off the event, SGA President Rammi Faily, whose own platform promoted “change” despite a long career of student government advocacy, spoke on the value of neutrality: “A quick Google search of ‘apolitical’ I had a freshman do defines the term as ‘not interested or involved in politics, itself a political stance.’ By remaining neutral in the face of injustice, we not only homogeneously represent all of the students, but also none of the students at the same time.”

After a quick break to pat each other on the back, CE President Mehg Glesaris took the time to reiterate Rammi’s points: “As someone with a close relationship to our Snevets Student Office, I believe I speak for all students when I say we must be a campus of acceptance; acceptance of how hard it is to voice contrarian opinion, so you might as well not; acceptance of an administration who cannot find a way to change their own structure, so they ask the students, who deny the responsibility in tandem; acceptance of the status quo. To show truth to this power, I have taken on an initiative to revise our constitution to keep me as CE President until the end of the university or when someone takes issue – whichever comes first.”

Following the two speeches, the event then proceeded to a solitary march-in-place in the Fabbio Lobby. In lieu of walking around campus, like in an actual social activist display, participants were asked to think of complaints about the university’s shortcomings, but keep those statements to themselves – representing the inaction of student leaders who seek concerns every day, but bravely refuse to take a stance.

When the march concluded, the student body was surprised with a monument commemorating the occasion: a sculpture outside the Fabbio Center evoking Alfred M. Mayer, one of the first to accept a professorship of physics at Snevets.

Mayer’s contribution to studying technology in musical vibrations inspired administration to commission a tuning fork from an outside contractor, symbolizing harmony in complacency. Celebrations were short-lived however, as one of the prongs of the fork fell from the wind tunnel that is the university campus. This left the fist-shaped base with a single prong erected towards the student body.

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