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Let’s talk about financial resources for student activities

I know that we’re the innovation university, but I feel like sometimes trying something new can be too risky and expensive. This editorial is going to be a little negative (as I have been lately) but maybe we need some more Student Life advising and intervention when it comes to the Student Activity Fund and not smaller organizations’ budgeting practices.

I’m covering two very different topics in this article: big monetary amounts for large-scale events and smaller item purchases (under $200).

After briefly attending OnPoint, hearing of last year’s low Techfest turnout, and witnessing the second R.A.G.E. fail last October, I don’t think the SGA should fund any festivals or “experiments” greater than $15,000 – unless a vote by the undergraduate student body approves said expensive project by at least double the number of votes selected for a “None of the above” option AND then the coordinators should work closely with the Office of Student Life to plan a line-by-line break down of expenses.

I’m just so done with seeing large money-per-attendee ratios. I just really don’t think that students have enough experience to plan Techfest, Boken, and RAGE efficiently without any guidance. This isn’t an attack on any former chairs for these festivals – I just think that in the future, the undergraduate population should shift away from the whole mind-set of students independently running activities and encourage Stevens staff to help with bug initiatives.

I’d personally rather see a few more thousand towards expanding events that are already well-attended, such as Founder’s Day Ball. Better the experience and make it an unforgettable night (or turn it into an entire-day of celebration).

Dozens of thousands of dollars from the SAF have been spent on events much of the student body attend, or care for. If Student Life helped with the organizing of these large events, maybe then there would be enough funds to allocate to organizations who need smaller amounts of money to make their clubs run more smoothly, like practical things such as banners and food.

Meanwhile, I am annoyed by the suggestions made to me about taking an Uber to Shoprite and back – a less than $20 expense from our Advertisement Account to do a big soda run for The Stute. Someone told me that I shouldn’t be using financial resources on the uber when Stevens provides the shuttle. I just think this micromanaging should be the least of anyone’s worries considering how much SAF funding has been spent without yielding it’s value.

This is just a call for the SGA and Office of Student Life to figure out which expenses need more attention.

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