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Polish American Cultural Society Hosts Wigilia

The Polish American Cultural Society hosted a Polish Christmas celebration in the Babbio Atrium this past Wednesday. This is the second year that the society has hosted a Christmas celebration, intended to give students a fun time and teach them about Polish traditions.

Known as Wigilia, the traditional Polish festival is typically held on Christmas Eve but was accelerated to December 9 for the students of Stevens. During the celebration, students were able to participate in the Polish tradition of breaking small wafers between friends and wishing good luck to each other. They were also able to eat from a spread of twelve Polish dishes, as it is traditional to have twelve dishes in a Wigilia dinner. Afterwards, students were allowed to take the table decorations as parting gifts.

While this is the last event the Polish Society will hold this semester, it is far from the last event for this school year. In April, the Polish Society will participate in the Unity Show, where ethnic organizations across campus will showcase their respective cultures. They are also looking forward to hosting kielbasa and pierogi festivals next semester.