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Letter to the editor

Student Life has been having a bad time, and when Student Life has a bad time, campus organizations have a bad time. This is of no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to their recent treatment of RSOs, and indeed, anyone who is involved on campus. They don’t want to burden us with all kinds of new restrictions, but they have no choice. It has been dictated from on high. Nonetheless, I’d like to point out one big issue my organization is having, in hopes that it can be fixed: purchases.
Purchases are now much more complicated than they need to be. As many people know, organizations are now required to use purchase orders for Amazon, Staples, and B&H orders. These purchase orders take, on average, two weeks to get to us. I know clubs that have been waiting for more than a month. Most of the time, we just can’t wait for two weeks or more. This new purchase order system has resulted in… us avoiding ordering from Amazon. We go through other retailers instead (both online and physical) when we absolutely can’t wait that long. I don’t even know if my organization will be able to function if and when P-cards are phased out. Sometimes, we need things on short notice. What is going to happen to us? I fear that my club will cease to function properly. Fortunately, there is a fairly simple solution.
Instead of using purchase orders, Student Life could have all clubs use a business Amazon account. Think about it: clubs get their orders in two days. All clubs get tax-free status immediately; Student Life needs only to send Amazon a single form. They have a whole department for this – the Amazon Tax Exemption Program. And – most importantly – Student Life gets instant records of all purchases. These records can be easily exported and given to auditors. Clubs never have to take out P-cards. This is a win-win for everyone involved.
If anyone from the administration is reading this: please take my suggestion to heart. Amazon made their business accounts system for exactly this situation. It would make the life of every e-board member infinitely easier.