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A look into the First Year Experience course

With the start of the new semester and the welcome of the newest ducks to the flock, the university is excited to announce the launch of the First Year Experience (FYE) course. Starting Fall 2024, it is a required course for all incoming first year students that aims to smoothly transition the students into college by introducing them to key Stevens resources, support systems, and knowledge areas.

Stevens has said that its goal with FYE is to ensure students are well equipped with knowledge that will benefit them throughout their college journey. The Stute has had the opportunity to speak with Chris Shemanski, the Director of the First Year Experience, to learn more about the thought process and work that went into the course’s creation. 

FYE is a small chunk of the university’s new Core Success Curriculum, which the university intends will provide all new students with the necessary information and resources to succeed at Stevens. The FYE specifically is going to be implemented through a mandatory one-semester course taken in the fall or spring semesters; Most incoming students will take it in the fall. This course is designed to be interactive and support both the academic and social transitions to college. When asked why the FYE was created, Shemanski shared that “the initiative is rooted in national best practices that a strong start is crucial to a student’s long-term success.” He also noted how the transition from high school to college is challenging and that the FYE’s goal is to ease those difficulties by providing a sense of community and an academic support system. 

Shemanski explained that the First Year Experience will consist of several components:

First-Year Reading Program: 

This program fosters a discussion on the book What Can A Body Do? by Sara Hendren. The main themes of this book will be discussed throughout the course of the semester and through additional events. 

Peer Leaders:

While every first year is assigned a Peer Leader during Orientation, each course section for the FYE is also assigned a Peer Leader to assist with the transition to college. 

Student Success Coaches:

Each course section of the FYE is led by a staff member and a faculty member. The faculty member serves as a success coach for all the students within a particular course section. The goal is for the faculty member to provide mentorship and support for students throughout their academic journeys. 

Creating such an expansive program isn’t easy, said Shemanski, and indicated its preparation was a joint effort between members of the faculty, staff, and administration. Working directly with Shemanski, Vice President of Student Affairs Sara Klein, and Vice Provost for Academic Innovation and Faculty Affairs, David Zheng served as co-chairs of the initiative. 

Lastly, when asked about his goals for what students get out of this program, Shemanski stated that he hopes students can get a clear sense of their personal and academic goals and feel confident about their abilities to execute these goals at Stevens. 

Rafael Lee Li for The Stute