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Posts published in “Science”

Topanga’s wisdom: from ‘adapting to change’ to embracing early detection

“I know you want to keep everything the same. But life is change, and you have to adapt to it.” This iconic line from Topanga Lawrence, portrayed by Danielle Fishel, was a memorable piece of wisdom in the popular 2014 TV show Girl Meets World, a spinoff of the 90s hit Boy Meets World.

How far can Olympic records fall?

The 2024 Paris Olympics closed out on August 11, 2024, with new world records set in a number of events by very strong and dedicated athletes.

Drugs are bad, take notes instead

“I take notes like some people take drugs,” is what Tim Ferriss said in his blog on December 7, 2007. Notetaking in educational institutions has always been a staple of the student experience.

The use of melatonin

Growing up, if you were unable to sleep, there were several approaches you could adopt. You could count sheep, enjoy a glass of milk, or even journal.

The science of studying for finals

With finals around the corner and as the end of the semester approaches, students brace themselves for one of the most challenging and stressful times of the academic year: finals week.

The DIANA technique: why can’t it be replicated?

The brain is a fascinating organ that regulates movement and most of the hormone-based systems in the body. Much is still unknown about the way the brain functions and how it responds to changes in the environment.