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Posts published in “Science”

A cold reminder that electricity powers our lives

On Sunday, Victor De Caires, a recent Stevens graduate, got the first sign that something was wrong around 11 p.m. Outside, the temperature in his hometown of Richmond, Texas, had reached record lows amid Winter Storm Uri.

A “spin” on what you know about spinach

When you think of spinach, what typically comes to mind? A food you hate? A leafy green vegetable? A staple of any healthy diet?

The science of love

Flushed cheeks, sweaty palms, increased libido, giddiness, or the need to cuddle up with someone special? Love has always felt like an inexplicable, mysterious force rooted in the heart.

Possible effects of another warm winter

With the images of the September California wildfires slowly receding from the news cycle, the consequences of climate change have left the public eye for the time being.

A year in the life of trees

It’s a brisk November day, the sky scattered with wispy cirrus clouds, and it’s a comfortable 10ºC Celsius. A collection of maple trees line Seven Lakes Drive in Bear Mountain State Park in New York, 45 minutes from campus.