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Posts published in “Science”

Why whales don’t get brain damage when they swim

Researching Earth’s largest animal is not for the faint of heart. Whales, and in particular their biological systems, have been essentially inaccessible for scientists to study thus far, due not only to their size, but their habitat as well.

Internet service providers from outer space

Over the past few years, our lives have become increasingly interconnected with technology and the internet. We have learned to live while stuck inside our homes, using phones and computers to order food from restaurants, interact with friends and family, and earn a living.

Happiness past the honeymoon

Moving into college is exciting. Whether you are a returning student or a first year, we all are prone to experiencing “the honeymoon phase”, that initial wave of excitement we feel when starting something new, seeing and making new friends, and being around other motivated and energized individuals.

The benefits and biases of AI image generation

Recent innovations in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology have made image generation much easier. Over the course of the summer, companies like Google and OpenAI, as well as other smaller programming teams, have released access to their attempts at creating an algorithm capable of generating images from text. 

How music influences our brains

Music therapy has been around for centuries, as the earliest recorded reference to music therapy was in 1789. Nonetheless, its use didn’t officially take off until the 20th century, when the National Society of Musical Therapeutics, the National Association for Music in Hospitals, and the National Foundation of Music Therapy were created.

The future of food

With climate change becoming an ever-growing issue, scientists around the world have been fighting to find solutions to help mitigate the effects that it will have on our food and researching the roles that food practices might play as a solution.