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Posts published in “The Stute Editorial”

The Stute Editorial is an Opinion column written by the current Editor in Chief of The Stute to address and explain editorial decision making, discuss news and media issues, and develop a sense of trust and transparency between readers and members of The Stute.

Hate is easy

From posting angry and hateful comments online over something we know nothing about to ending a relationship over an argument that began because of something small, it is a lot easier to fill our hearts with hate than with understanding.


Student-centricity. It is a term that we have heard many times from administrators. Stevens values student-centricity and wants to increase it.

Read Harry Potter first

I am writing my column, two days after the deadline.

“But Maryia, you had the entire winter break to write it!”

Let’s talk about mental health

This past Sunday, the Out of the Darkness Walk was held on campus. It was the second annual walk held in Hoboken by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and this time Stevens partnered up with the organization.

Heat Drama

Maryia Spirydonava explains the issues facing organizations in Jacobus.

Creative solutions

“Think outside the box.” Personally, I hate that saying. It implies that there is only one correct way of thinking.

I agree with the idea of coming up with creative, unique solutions.

Passion is key

“I can’t then, I have a meeting,” is a much too common phrase that comes out of my mouth. Being really involved on campus is a tiring thing, and sometimes you wish that you could just watch T.V.