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Posts published in “Senioritis”

Senioritis is an Opinion column written by one or two Stevens student(s) in their last year of study to discuss life experiences during their final year at Stevens, and other related subject matter.

The last first month

The month of September flew by, and I didn’t realize until just now that it is the last first month I will have experienced as an undergraduate at Stevens.

Jobs, where do we go from here?

Some of you may recall the recent Stevens Career Fair that took place on Wednesday, September 21. Hundreds of students throughout the day were in line waiting for their opportunity to speak with prospective employers and give them their resumes. 

My busiest week (so far)

After last week, I am now officially in the thick of the semester. The norm of near-constant classes, meetings, rehearsals, and work have replaced the relative calm I experienced in my first several days back on campus.

Let’s consider ourselves lucky

Three years ago, Fall 2019, was my glimpse at normal college life. From little fear about health issues to always talking to new people, my first semester at Stevens was blissful, and I got to experience relationships without masks.

Why Senior-“itis”?

When we first hear of senioritis, it’s intended to provide relief: “You’ve worked this hard for so long – you’ve earned a break!”

The last four years: a retrospective

Unless President Farvardin himself denies me my degree, I’ll be graduating in a little under a month. That’s less than 4 weeks until I finally get that slip of paper that’ll let employers know I can sit in a classroom for several hours a day and (usually) turn in my homework on time.

Doom scroll

At 11:30 p.m. I lay in bed, exhausted. My mind is tired, yet I toss and turn, unable to daze into a slumber.

Routines, Habits, and Organizing

This semester, I’ve had a lot less work than I ever have in the past. In my first year, I took a total of 29 credits; every semester since then, I’ve taken 19 or more credits, occasionally overloading if it was only by one credit.

Burn out

It’s that time of the semester—midterms and projects have come to a head and your professors have all assignments due on the same day to torture you.

From freshman to senior in 8 months

Hello fellow Snevets students and friends. I am writing as the most recent addition to the senior class of 2022. Due to my stellar performance in CAL 103, I was selected for a super secret test trial of a new academic program.