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Posts published in “Senior Essays”

Hug all your friends

Journalistic writing has always been important to me, and I’m so grateful for being able to express myself in the Stute throughout my time here.


The J Curve is a trendline showing an initial loss immediately followed by a dramatic gain, kind of in the shape of a “J” (hence the name).

Waddle On, Fellow Ducks

Hey everybody, in what will be my sixth time writing for The Stute over my illustrious career (3 of which being The Stupe), I would like to share with you all my submission for Commencement speaker.

Wrapping up my writing career

A little while ago (about 4 years), I spent my first year as a Stevens student. It was a lot different from any other first-year college experience, mainly due to the large restrictions placed (the main one being that only first-year students were permitted on campus, and even that was optional).

Proving ourselves wrong in the best ways

Dear seniors: I’d like to flashback to spring of 2022. Many of us were knee-deep in finals, struggling to finish the semester.

The science of…writing

As I sit down to write my last Stute article, it feels odd to try my hand at opinion. So for my final Stute piece, I will be doing what I have advised every science writer not to do: combine my opinions with science. 

An end means a new beginning

Entering my freshman year at Stevens in 2019, it’s been an interesting journey. From coming in as a shy sports writer to a flurry of editing roles to being the confident writer I am today, The Stute has given me a platform to redefine myself not only as a writer.