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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

You’re gonna carry that weight

It’s hard for me to believe this is my final issue of The Stute. I was a member of The Stute before I was a student at Stevens; I first explored campus and Hoboken as part of The Stute’s Freshman Weekend.

Old food and other attractions in the area

Whenever I go to another city, I tend to enjoy the oldest parts of that city, especially cities like Boston and Philly that were central to the revolution and still have a colonial feel to them.

Otto Strada

Hoping to end the semester on a sweeter note, my partner and I decided to splurge both in price and health by searching for a decadent dessert.

Starring…Dylan Sidali

Dylan Sidali is a first year undecided engineering student originally from Jackson, New Jersey. He currently plays in the Stevens Jazz Band, in addition to building basic circuits involving chips and optical fibers in the QuEST lab.

Technology and Architecture, the dynamic duo

Throughout the history of mankind, we humans have been able to consistently amaze ourselves with the heights we can reach when constructing our world.

The Singularity and the Neural Code

I wish I could believe that we are rapidly approaching “The Singularity.” Like heaven, the Singularity comes in many versions, but most involve bionic brain boosting.

Anachronistic security compromised with heuristics

Fortunately, no one emailed me passwords after reading my column two weeks back. Unfortunately, organizations that hold huge amounts of user information are doing a bad job securing it.

The war on ride sharing is futile

Raise your hand if you have heard of Uber. If your hand was raised then, sorry, but you just raised your hand because a newspaper told you to.


In hopes of finding another Dozzino-esque experience without the whole always being turned away due to the restaurant constantly being rented out part, my partner and I set off to the very depths of Hoboken.