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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

Senior Design team ready to get started

With the Innovation Expo coming up in just over two months, one Senior Design team looking to get a head start held its first team meeting this week to lay out some team rules.

Sickness and sustainability

Unfortunately, a bunch of college students living in tight quarters results in a constant cycle of being sick, recovering, and getting the next illness that comes around.

Hinge, #corecore, and Waffle House

I got my eyebrows done for the first time in over a month when I went home for the long weekend.

New Jersey’s role in the history of recorded music

New Jersey may not be the first or most glamorous place you think of when considering places important to music history, but Thomas Edison’s phonograph was the first time music was able to be recorded and distributed, rather than only experienced live.

Learning to ask for help

I always like to write an article like this around this point in the semester as almost everything has picked up, and—for me at least—stress levels are high and the motivation to fight burnout is low.

Broadcom-VMware deal extends close date by 90 days

Originally announced back in May, cloud computing company VMware and chipmaker Broadcom’s $61B deal is being pushed back an additional 90 days due to regulatory considerations. 

Biden’s State of the Union address


On February 7, President Joseph Biden delivered his State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress. During his address, Biden discussed the progress and achievements he has cultivated during his time as president.

Apparently being sustainable isn’t very sustainable

This title definitely seems pretty illogical, so let me explain. I have been interested in environmentalism since the middle of high school when I was a member of the recycling club.