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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

Where do your beliefs come from?

I recently encountered a term for a syndrome that has bugged me since childhood: genealogical anxiety. The phrase was coined by philosopher Amia Srinivasan in her paper “On Genealogy.”

Stevens fails to pay Peer Leaders

We at Off the Press pride ourselves on being up-to-date on all of the goings-on here at Stevens, which is why we are all so disappointed that no one told us about this major news story.

Diversity and Inclusion in Fashion

It’s going to be lightyears before diversity and inclusion cease to be problematic within the fashion industry. Even though fashion is meant for the masses, the majority of people actually running and walking the shows are white and skinny.

Becoming Self-Conscious

At the beginning of my book Mind-Body Problems, I describe one of my earliest childhood memories. I was walking through weeds on the bank of a river with two friends when suddenly I thought, and then said aloud, “I’m me.”

My wishlist for the music of SNL Season 45

Saturday Night Live’s 45th season premiered last week, and even though its comedy seems to have continued its trend towards being increasingly political, it remains one of the best stages on television for showcasing musical artists, both up-and-coming and already huge.