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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”


Go now, walk boldly towards perfection, and stop for no man and no thing that would deny you paradise.

Commencement postponed

In a surprising twist, the school recently released an email that wasn’t part of the running tally of every single student who has fallen for the wily wiles of that most virulent of viruses, COVID-19.

No place

I arrived in my expatriate home with the equivalent of a blank easel and a command to, somehow, read it.

Soundtrack 101

I recently rewatched Avengers: Endgame and it got me thinking about the music choices that were made in the movie. Marvel tends to have a pretty solid standard for the music they add to the soundtracks of their ever-growing list of movies.

Greek Life transitions to online hazing

As the dreaded COVID-19 continues to ravage large swathes of the globe, back at home, people have been trying to wrestle a modicum of normalcy from the current XK-Class End-of-the-World scenario.

America’s looming housing crisis

To say the least, the economy is not in good shape right now. With the number of people filing for unemployment benefits up over 16 million and businesses struggling to survive, there is no telling what the near future, or even tomorrow, will look like.