Over the summer I read Kundera’s The Unbearable Lightness of Being, which felt to me as pretentious as the title of the book.
Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”
We here at Off the Press pride ourselves on our immaculate journalism, our commitment to reporting the truth no matter how improbable it may seem, and our rigorous drive to keep everyone informed of the goings-on around campus.
As a kid, I thought that I was an environmentalist because I turned off the lights when leaving a room, used a reusable water bottle, and recycled.
Have you ever been gripped by the suspicion that nothing is real? A former student here at Stevens has endured feelings of unreality since childhood.
As assignments begin to amass and classes start to ramp up, the age-old struggle returns: how to effectively manage your time.
Recently, Stevens held an event called Meet the Greeks where students interested in joining Greek life got to meet and learn about the different fraternities and sororities on campus.
The vibe, comfort, and different feelings of college can be a lot, yet the random things stick out to me, and taking note of it all has been fun.
Building off the known success of therapy dogs and the general presence of four-legged friends on campus, Stevens has announced that all classrooms will now feature a class pet for students to interact with before, during, and after classes.
So, you are definitely wondering what the heck I am talking about. I am referring to my compost bin which only occasionally contains mold and rotten fruit.
The new UCC is a huge campus space that most students haven’t gotten a chance to explore yet. Once you spend some time in the different spaces it will get easier to navigate throughout the semester and figure out which spaces are useful.