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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

Midterms are here but don’t fear

It’s hard to believe that midterms are right around the corner. I don’t know about you, but it feels like we only just had our first full week of classes.

Save money and the environment

College is expensive. From tuition to food, everything costs money. This is especially true in Hoboken where a cup of coffee can easily exceed $5.

Q: What can I do when I’m feeling homesick?


Homesickness is a common experience for college students to experience throughout their transition of moving away from home for the first time.

In time’s hands

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,

Old Time is still a-flying;

And this same flower that smiles today

Tomorrow will be dying.

An adventure in Pennsylvania

Off the Press took a road trip to Scranton, Pennsylvania last weekend because we are big fans of The Office, Lackawanna County, and all other things northeast Pennsylvania.

From meatatarian to vegetarian

As a child, my mom fondly referred to me as her little meatatarian. It’s not that I was a picky eater or that I hated vegetables.

Q: What do I do when I fail an exam?


Almost everyone has or will fail an exam at some point in their college experience. Whether you’re taking a class outside your comfort zone or you had an off day in a subject you’re usually good at, it’s ok.

Biden’s talks of nuclear armageddon


Following Ukraine’s recent successes on the battlefield in the war against Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested that the war could escalate to nuclear conflict, vowing to “us[e] all our forces and means at our disposal.”

Pumpkin carving contest

Wow, that was quick and to everyone’s surprise as to how it got here so fast despite it coming at the same time of year every year (with a 1 day margin of error for leap years), it’s October!