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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

Stevens Medical Scholar Critiques Ebola “Fear Mongering”

A new semester has just started, and I’m more excited than usual—that is, less depressed that summer vacation is over. The College of Arts & Letters just hired two scholars to beef up our programs in Science and Technology Studies and Science Communication.

Why did Amazon buy Twitch?

Amazon’s $970 million acquisition of Twitch last week sent the industry into a furor of surprise and speculation regarding why the purchase was made.

War Is Our Most Urgent Problem. Let’s Solve It

Is there a more urgent problem in the world today than war? And when I say “war,” I mean also militarism, the culture of war, the armies, arms, industries, policies, plans, propaganda, prejudices, rationalizations that make lethal group conflict not only possible but also likely.

Pull up a chair by the Hearth

Some do not see this as an e-sport, and some barely see this game as a MMO, but Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is taking over the gaming world by storm.

Ask for the pickles…

A big welcome to the Class of 2018! By now, the majority of you have either settled into the meal plan, are burning through your Duckbills, or have adjusted to feeding yourself, also known as a combination of irresponsible food choices and mostly eating out.

I Usually Resist Tribalism, But I’m So Proud of Stevens Students!

I lack the tribalism gene. I don’t identify strongly, emotionally, with clusterings of people, whether nation, hometown, religion, ethnic group, profession or sports team (although long ago I endured the horror of being a Mets fan).