In the wheelhouse of fighting games, Mortal Kombat has garnered a reputation through the years. Since the original game back in 1992, the series holds a special place in the industry for its absolute brutality and unrestrained use of blood, gore, and guts.
Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”
Not to be overly dramatic, but by the beard of Zeus, Bagels is back! Bringing it back to earth, Bagels on the Hudson has a special place in the hearts and stomachs of just about every Stevens student, young and old.
As much as ever, midterms are unleashing their full force on the Stevens community, whether through tests, due projects, or pushing overtime on co-op.
For more than 20 years, I have hammered behavioral genetics, which attempts to pinpoint the genetic underpinnings of an enormous variety of human traits and disorders, from homosexuality and religiosity to alcoholism and depression.
A gigantic stadium, grand orchestra, theme song by Imagine Dragons, and millions of viewers – all of these would normally be the signs of a grand sports game (League of Legends is an e-sport, after all).
Google announced its new suite of Nexus devices last week, including the Nexus 6 smartphone and Nexus 9 tablet. The Nexus 6 iterates on last year’s Nexus 5 with a faster 2.7GHz Snapdragon 805 processor, 3 GB of RAM, 3220 mAh, 13 MP camera, water-resistance, dual front-facing speakers, and most notably, a massive 5.96-inch screen.
One of the best parts of being at Stevens is hanging out with cool (compared to me), young (compared to me), up-and-coming scholars, from whom I can learn a lot about science and technology.
In order to compete for fans’ attention, modern video games are often marked by intricacies in designs and various systems. Recently, video game advertisements attract fans’ attention by showcasing exciting new features often in the forms of complex gameplay based on many of the game’s elements.
Last Friday, millions of Snapchat users were dismayed to find 200,000 of their sent pictures leaked on the Internet. The leak came from a third-party plugin that uses Snapchat’s unofficial API,,