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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

When religion-bashing goes too far

I’ve never understood the appeal of preaching to the converted. What’s the point? Why bother bashing believers in ghosts, homeopathy and Allah or non-believers in global-warming, childhood vaccines and evolution in ways that cannot persuade but only annoy those who don’t pre-agree with you?

Revisiting the Apple Watch

Hello world! More specifically, hello fellow tech skeptic. Welcome to this week’s issue of Technically Speaking. In this issue, we will talk about the most personal computer on the market right now, the smartwatch—more specifically the Apple Watch, due to popularity on and off campus.

Fiore’s Deli

Nestled in the back of Hoboken (translation: you have to walk a bit further than Washington Street) is a tiny gem of an Italian deli that knows how to make a mean sandwich.

Places to Be: List of Experiences

Places To Be: A List of Experiences

New York City has been dubbed as the greatest city in the world. There are so many restaurants, attractions, and events there that you can’t call NYC a boring city.

“Ecomodernists” envision utopia—but what about war?

For an in-class exercise, I like asking students: “What’s your utopia?” I tell them that utopias aren’t fashionable these days; “utopian” is generally employed in a derogatory sense, meaning naively optimistic.

We are gamers

I can’t believe this will be my last official column of the year already. With that said, this week’s column will be about people who play games, instead of individual games.