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Posts published in “Campus Conservative”

Tax relief is on the way

The middle class and the United States as a whole are (hopefully) going to finally receive the tax relief that they need.

A conservative take on the mayoral candidates

At the beginning of the semester, I was so excited to switch my voter registration over to Hoboken so I could make an impact on local politics.

Is religion a valid exemption?

Although this issue is a few years old now, it is finally arriving at the Supreme Court. The way I see it, the issue boils down to a few main points: Do business owners have the right to refuse service for any reason, and if so why?

Las Vegas: The Facts

On Oct. 1, 2017, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock opened fire on the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas, NV. The shooting left 58 people dead and an estimated 500 or more injured.

Lets consider the facts

First off though, my heart goes out to all of those affected by the tragedy in Las Vegas.

There are two important aspects to consider from this incident: we do not yet have a motive for why this horrible atrocity was committed, and what made this guy blend in with the general population so he was not flagged by any of the intelligence agencies?

Please let this be the last time…

As I’m sure you’ve all heard, because you read every article in the Stute, the naming issue surrounding the new Academic Gateway Complex has been settled.

The Rise of Liberals on Campus

The University of California, Berkeley was the birthplace of the free speech movement in the 1960’s. Today, it is the home of the ironically named “anti”-fascist movement.

Should DACA be Ended?

Last week, a story was leaked by the Trump administration claiming that the president had made up his mind on whether or not to end President Obama’s executive order, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).