The way a movie is shot can go a long way in creating a memorable viewing experience. Last semester I reviewed the war epic 1917, which was shot in such a way as to make the entire two hour film seem like one unbroken shot.
Posts published in “Opinion”
Unfortunately, a bunch of college students living in tight quarters results in a constant cycle of being sick, recovering, and getting the next illness that comes around.
Welcome to the Big Apple! Where your dreams are big, and the gaping void in your pocket is even bigger! Everyone all over the world dreams of visiting New York City at least one time in their lives.
It is undeniable that art is one of the most influential mediums of expression. When we produce art, regardless of our skill or talent, we expose our emotions through the mediums we choose.
While I don’t currently have a meal plan, I remember two years ago, as a freshman, having to figure out what to do with my absurdly large meal plan.
The best thing about being Editor of The Stute is that it keeps me on top of my schedule — who knows what kind of chaos my life would delve into without Google Calendar and The Stute’s Assignment Tracker.
The early years of Stevens’ history are one of growth, development, and achievement. Producing generations of innovators and engineers that would change the world, Stevens quickly grew into a respected institution.
I always like to write an article like this around this point in the semester as almost everything has picked up, and—for me at least—stress levels are high and the motivation to fight burnout is low.
The unbelievably great weather in Hoboken came to an end with the start of drizzles and harsh winds this past weekend.
As I begin my last semester at Stevens (as an undergraduate student at least), I have started to reflect on my journey throughout college and throughout life.