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Posts published in “Opinion”

Egg-sploring life’s discomforts

Picture this: I’m sitting in the dining hall after ordering my Taylor ham and cheese sandwich (NO EGGS), debating what to write about this week, and my friend suggested I write about eggs.

(An attempt at) doing justice to statistics

For those who followed the escape and eventual capture of the convicted murderer Danelo Cavalcante over the past couple of weeks, you were in for a crime documentary playing out in real-time.

In defense of Swifties

When I was young, like 10 or 11, I was probably the biggest Taylor Swift fan alive (I know that’s a bold claim, but I stand by it).

Dosa-inspired savory oat pancakes

Despite being told all my life that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I struggle to prepare something for myself first thing in the morning.

Beginning of the end

Hi… wow, I am back for my last and final year at Stevens. If you don’t know me, I am Ethan, a4/4 software engineer.

The real reason why Pierce food Is bland

Ever since the beginning of Pierce Dining Hall, people have been trying to discover the sole reason why the food served at Stevens is blander than a modern-day Disney Channel sitcom.

‘Twas the summer before college

‘Twas the summer before college when all through the house, I was procrastinating packing, and slacking about.

This summer was memorable, but not in the way of crazy graduation parties, trips with friends in Europe, or having a major glow-up.

What’s up with the (ish)?

You might have noticed that the title of this column has changed slightly this year from Girl Talk to Girl(ish) Talk.

Beyond the racks

For those of you who have never been a part of The Stute’s production, you may not know how much goes into each issue we release.