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Posts published in “Opinion”

Grounds found

Foodies, I found the perfect café, and I’m obsessed with everything about it: the aesthetics, the menu, the vibe. It feels like home.

The Grammynomenon

I usually think the Grammys are superficial, and they don’t really determine the worth of an individual’s art. I think of the Grammys as something that turns a person’s art into a product.

Six more weeks of winter

Yesterday, I experienced the joy of making it to Gobbler’s Knob to witness Punxsutawney Phil’s prognostication of the meteorological happenings for the next six weeks.

Tragic love with The Broken Wings

The Broken Wings by Kahlil Gibran is a poetic classic love story from the early 1900s. It is a short book, under 150 pages, about a love between a doomed couple.

The fleeting, or infinite, traps of time perception and autism

As we know from the many, many weeks of articles in this column, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) combines differences in cognition and social interaction with fundamental aspects of perception, including the experience of time.

How do I resolve my roommate attachment issues?

Welcome to Ask Erin and Nicole! For those of you who may not know us, I’m Nicole — a fourth-year Mechanical Engineering major, robotics and drones nerd, and scarily obsessed with Disney.

Isamu Noguchi and modern art for the modern era

I have a very complicated relationship with modern art. Similarly to many others, I found modern art to be particularly challenging; I struggled to conceptualize the mixture of mediums and motivations that comprehensively represent this artistic movement.

Matcha 101

Over break, I entered a matcha fixation and did my fair share of research on the topic (through Instagram and articles).

Setting financial goals for the year

As we make our way through the first month of the new year, we can look back and reflect on our spending habits.