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Posts published in “Opinion”

Thoughts on Bots

Last week, I spoke on a panel for the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) department conference Thoughts on Bots, to discuss how AI will impact higher education.

Random news

Recently, on December 22, 2023, there has been a new law proclaiming that all students in New Jersey must obtain a dog.

A commuter’s commute

Commuting cannot be as bad as traversing the seven seas on a small canoe with a broken paddle, right? Okay, maybe not as bad as I make it seem, but commuting can be enjoyable and productive if you make use of the time.

Staying on top of your assignments

With Halloween having just ended and Thanksgiving and winter holidays coming up soon, it can be difficult to stay on top of your assignments with all of the upcoming excitement.

The joy of conferences

In a shift back to personal math stories after the recent columns on national and global (tangentially) math-related events, I attended my first conference a couple weekends ago.

Toil, trouble, and seeing double

As the veil between the worlds grows thin and Hallow’s Eve draws near, it’s time to prepare for a night of spectral delights and eerie enchantments.

The spooky case of burnout in college athletes

For a majority of athletes, playing at the collegiate level is the pinnacle of their career. To have made it to college for any sport marks a significant number of years spent training, refining, and marketing their craft, a feat few accomplish.

Invisible sorcerers responsible for cold weather at Stevens

So far, there has been a sharp increase in the accumulating cold weather around our campus. Gone are the days of the warm summer sun, turning into a freeze-fest where goosebumps start popping out like jack-in-the-boxes as our bodies try to look for warmth.