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Posts published in “Opinion”

Spring Cleaning for The Stute

As you may or may not know, last week was the week of Eboard elections on The Stute. I didn’t bother mentioning it at the time, honestly because it is a touch overused for the topic of the first editorial of the new Editor in Chief.

2048: The Best of Games, The Worst of Games

By: Jonathan Itskovitch

Another week and another App store game makes an appearance. This week’s fad is 2048. I’m sure everyone on campus has heard of the game if they haven’t played it already.

FIRST things first

About two weeks ago, I volunteered at a FIRST Robotics Competition in Clifton. A large number of other Stevens students (from the Theta Alpha chapter Alpha Phi Omega) also volunteered.

European Spring Break

The best adventures are the ones in which you have few expectations. While deciding where to go for spring break, it was difficult for me to choose which cities to visit.

The French Riviera

Another trip has already come and gone! Within the span of 48 hours, I got to see four of the most beautiful cities along the French Riviera.