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Posts published in “Opinion”

Bathroom Etiquette

There are some things that I really miss about home. Sometimes I miss cooking food, and my dog, and my mom.

More than just a drink

For Stevens students, the focus of Mikie Squared Bar & Grill is the bar and not so much the grill. While their popularity among students for their drink specials is definitely warranted (for those of age, of course), they are far from a one-trick pony.

Student apathy: doers and do-nothings

The way I see Stevens, there are two types of people: the doers, and the do-nothings.

Of course, there is a lot more to it than that, but let’s pretend that every student at Stevens can be placed into one of these two categories.

I guess I just miss my friend

I have a friend named Matt Healey. We became friends in high school and would see each other regularly either in concert choir or in the theatre during rehearsal.

New genre to fulfill its Destiny

When you compare the popularity of various e-sport games — or all video games — you will easily find that all are still bowing down to the “PC Master Race,” a term that describes how gaming on a personal computer still holds the overwhelming majority share amongst gamers.

Sick as a duck

It happened. I didn’t think it would ever happen to me. The upperclassmen warned me, and I didn’t believe them — until it was too late.