Editor’s note: this review contains some spoilers.
Whenever a film’s context is war, especially between the United States and the Middle East, there is inevitable controversy.
Editor’s note: this review contains some spoilers.
Whenever a film’s context is war, especially between the United States and the Middle East, there is inevitable controversy.
Over the holiday season, I finally received a (long overdue, in my opinion) invitation to beta test Heroes of the Storm (HotS) – an upcoming Massive Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game by Blizzard Entertainment.
On Martin Luther King Day, I searched online for commentary by King on science and discovered his 1964 Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, in which he dwelled on the gap between our scientific and moral progress.
Last Thanksgiving weekend was the strongest ever in online sales, with Americans spending just over $1 billion online on Thanksgiving Day, and $1.5 billion on Black Friday, according to Forrester Research.
With the holidays coming around, most are preoccupied with thoughts of home, family, food, and love. And I am no exception.
For me, the introduction of Steam’s Exploration Sales marks the beginning of the end of the year. Video game fans of all kinds (save for Assassin’s Creed players) rejoiced in 2014 for the massive amount of great content.
Recently, there was an anonymous post on the Facebook page “Stevens Compliments & Crushes” regarding my column:
“Lisa Mendotto,
Please stop writing your depressing articles in the Stute.
I’m writing this post for two reasons: to recommend a new book by Columbia astrobiologist Caleb Scharf, and to defend an old book of mine.
As finals draw to a close, we can all breathe a sigh of relief that, whether poorly or well, this semester has finally ended.
As the semester winds down, I returned to an old friend of a restaurant, Stacks Pancake House on Washington Street, which you might know for their warm, fluffy pancakes, abundant salads, and busy brunch atmosphere.