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Posts published in “Mind of a Freshman”

Mind of a Freshman is an Opinion column written by one or two first-year Stevens students to discuss life experiences during their time at Stevens, and other related subject matter.

It actually does get easier

I am now far enough into semester two where I can reflect on how much I’ve changed since the first one.

Put yourself out there!

Freshman life has absolutely exceeded my already high expectations. Before coming to Stevens, I was ecstatic at the thought of being free from a mundane and forced high school schedule.

“How’s the weather?”

Yes, this article is just an extended answer to “so… weather’s been crazy lately right!”

No. I am not desperate for article ideas. 

Thanksgiving was kind of giving

Thanksgiving was pretty cool to be honest. As a mashed potato enthusiast it is one of my favorite holidays as the mashed potatoes at thanksgiving dinners are always smacking.

Thanksgiving break is too short

In high school, I envied college students. While I had a measly one, maybe one-and-a-half, week winter break, they got to enjoy one glorious month of relaxation.

The calm after the storm

This weekend, all I did was rot in my dorm, and honestly, it was something I needed. The past few weeks have been the funniest yet most hectic weeks of my life.


We’re halfway through the semester, and I somehow haven’t made an article about commuting yet. To start off, it’s definitely not as bad as I thought.

Babies’ first Halloween party

Halloweekend. A college student created a holiday that entices a weekend of fun and in my case dressing up as a bear without getting weird looks.

Is “Harry Potter” a Halloween series?

There’s nothing I love more than rewatching a movie. After a year, I feel like I forget every major detail and enjoy the thrill of watching my favorite movie for the first time all over again.

My newest obsession

So this week I was planning to write about food, but that was last night at 2 a.m.. Since then I have reached the new amazing idea of what I recently discovered.