Posts published in “Letter to the Editor”
By: The Stevens Greek Councils
Recently, a Letter to the Editor of the Stute titled “A Public Service Announcement” caught the attention of many communities on and off of Stevens Campus.
It has been made clear that Stevens Institute of Technology is unaware of the current state of affairs regarding intolerance within its fraternity life.
I had planned a whole Letter to the Editor regarding my thoughts and opinions on “HangoverLyte”, which as you are surely aware is the most current Stevens scandal.
By Reed Oberlander, 3/4 Naval Engineering Major
The first listed goal of Stevens’ Ten-Year Strategic Plan is “…to grow undergraduate enrollment to approximately 4,000 students, up from approximately 2,500 today [2012].”
POSTED BY: The United greek committee (UGC)
The United Greek Committee is speaking out about a product that has been created by a Senior Design Team that promotes destructive behavior and presents Greek Life in a negative light.
This past weekend Stevens held its annual Accepted Student’s Days back to back. I’m sure it was fun and informative for the accepted students, which is the point so it is good to know it achieved its purpose.
I have complained about the Stevens Registrar many times in the past, but this week they really, really let me down.
Compiled from “SSE SEMINAR…”; “Financial Engineering Seminar…”; “Zero Tolerance Policy”; “Cybersecurity Update on the DROWN Vulnerability”; “School of Business – Research Colloquium Series …”; “Your 2015-2016 Scholarship”; “CS Seminar…”; “Nano Seminar…”; “CAL Lecture” ; “Possible NJ Transit Strike…” ; “[NAME], Make Your Voice Heard”; “Student Leadership Awards…”; “SLN”; “5k fundraiser”; “Student Sustainability…”; “Your week in Entrepreneurship”
- Applications (mentioned thrice)
- Approach (twice)
- “Challenge of imagination” (once)
- Communication (twice)
- Community (twelve times)
- Connectivity (twice)
- “Cultural Immersion” (once)
- Developments (five times)
- Dynamic (twice)
- Engage/Engaging (eight times)
- Enterprises (thrice)
- Experience (23 times)
- Exploring/Exploration (thrice)
- Highlight (twice)
- Infrastructure (twice)
- Innovation (nine times)
- Investigate/investigation (twice)
- Leadership (four times)
- Network/networking (seven times)
- Opportunity/Opportunities (14)
- Participate (thrice)
- “Real world” (once)
- Recognition (thrice)
- “Social Web” (once)
- Strategic (thrice)
- Sustain/sustainable/sustainability (17 times)
- Tolerance (thrice)
The Art Club hosted a screening of the documentary Helvetica by Gary Hustwit last Friday night. The film is focused entirely on the development and history of the font we read in everyday life.