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Posts published in “Girl-ish Talk”

Girl Talk is an Opinion column written by a current female student to discuss issues surrounding women, whether it be feminism, current events, personal experiences at Stevens or in life, and more.

Turning 20: A two-decade journey to self-acceptance

By the time this article publishes, I will have already turned twenty — well, for all of two days, anyways.

I expected to be more excited than I actually am, but I’ve also seen that the older that I’ve gotten, the more birthdays have turned into more of an obligatory social commitment and a biological timekeeping mechanism, rather than a real celebration of sorts.

Women and the myth of work-life balance

I was scrolling through my Facebook feed a few days ago when I was accosted by this incredibly click-baity article headline on Business Insider: “China’s most successful businesswoman has not taken a day off in 27 years”.

The Women have marched. Now what?

Last week marked two historic events. Friday, January 20th, was the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump and Saturday, January 21st was marked by an event that was arguably just as big if not even bigger: the Women’s March on Washington.

Women in Tech Spotlight: Jennifer Pahlka

At first sight, government and the tech industry may seem like two worlds that do not go together in the slightest — the former is notoriously slow, inefficient, and full of bureaucracies, while the latter is quick, hyper-efficient, and ever-evolving.

Women in the Tech Spotlight: Danae Ringelmann

The mission of Danae Ringelmann’s first company was simple: to “democratize fundraising”. At the time it sounded crazy, but today it’s become a reality: as co-founder of Indiegogo, Ringelmann is one of the most powerful voices on the crowdfunding scene.

The Politics of Gender

Disclaimer: Although this article is political in nature, I have tried to keep the discussion strictly to gender and the role it plays in politics.

The Freshman 15

Let’s get one thing straight: I didn’t gain 15 pounds at Stevens. I actually only gained 10 pounds when I got here.