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Posts published in “News”

Interview with Executive Chef Anthony and Sous Chef Maureen

Stevens isn’t a large university, but the multifaceted student body can still feel vast. From students who write songs under their breaths to those who wake up at night in cold sweats from nightmares of differential equations, it can be hard at times to articulate what we share as a community.

2022 Greek Life recruitment goes virtual

After COVID-19 pushed last year’s sorority recruitment to be completely virtual, Greek organizations were excited to host in-person recruitment once again.

Catching up with professional societies

This article was written by Kayden Cannilla and Leigha Tierney.

Stevens is home to many professional societies that provide resources for students looking for guidance in their career path.

New local sculptures make their marks

Two new public sculptures erected along the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway were formally unveiled in late 2021. Here in Hoboken, a bronze statue of the late singer Frank Sinatra honors a legendary local-born figure in the park named after him.