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Posts published in “News”

Still alive: the elusive Khoda lives on

The Stute released an article providing updates on Khoda, Stevens’ secret society, on February 18. While it was initially speculated that Khoda was no longer running as the website had not been updated since 2019, it has now come to light that the secret society is still very much alive, with a typical number of members as compared to historical data.

River Street tree planting project

As you may have noticed in the past couple of weeks, River Street has been bustling with construction due to the River Street Tree Planting Project.

Town hall illustrates Strategic Plan progress

On March 21, the Strategic Plan Steering Committee held a virtual town hall open to faculty, staff, and students. The Committee is in charge of the development of Stevens’ 2022-2023 strategic plan, with the meeting focusing on the presentation of draft goals for each of the University’s seven areas of focus.

Bowling Alley reopens

The Bowling Alley, located in the basement of Howe, has reopened after being closed for two years. The hours that students are able to use the alley are approximately 11 a.m.