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Posts published in “News”

Can I still play Hogwarts Legacy?

The Harry Potter franchise is hugely successful, with seven books, eight movies, and three theme parks, this is a multi-billion dollar business.

FIBA kicks off its inaugural semester

On February 9, the Finance, Investment Banking, and Advisory (FIBA) club held its inaugural meeting. According to an email sent out by the School of Business on FIBA’s behalf, FIBA is “a student-run club meant to help like-minded Stevens students in their career journey to land competitive financial analyst roles in careers including, but not limited to: Investment Banking, Private Equity, Venture Capital, Equity Research, & Sales & Trading.

The Python for Business Club makes its mark

The Python for Business Club has been a newer addition to the collection of clubs here at Stevens. School of Business students Om Mehta and Tejas Appana are the co-runners of this club.

School of Business’ Student Ambassador Program

The School of Business’ Student Ambassador Program is aimed at giving prospective students a chance to connect with current business students which would give them a feel for what it would be like to be a business student here at Stevens.

Preliminary details about 2023 graduation ceremony

Commencement is just under three months away for graduating students and Stevens has already begun sending emails and dedicated a section of their website to details regarding the ceremony, as well as how students should prepare for it.

SGA releases new amendment to change Senate structure

One of the advantages of participating in a democratic organization is just that: participating in democracy. Here at Stevens, that democracy is represented by the Student Government Association (SGA).

Wild animal sightings reported in Hoboken

Ever since the start of the pandemic, more people have been noting instances of wildlife running amok in the city of Hoboken, including deer, seals, skunks, raccoons, and now, coyotes.