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Posts published in “News”

What’s all the racket at Humphreys?

On Sunday, October 29, Humphreys’ first-floor residents were left wondering where a sudden barrage of loud music was coming from, and why it was happening in the first place.

SGA Toys for Tots Fundraiser

One of the central hubs of student life here at Stevens is the Stevens Student Government Association(SGA). Its various committees help organize and oversee all student-run clubs on campus, they put on fun events to help students relax, they serve as a voice for the student body, and through the Government and Communications committee (Gov & Com), they host charitable events, and get students involved with local affairs.

Recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award, Sandeep Bhatt

Every year, recent alumni of Stevens help select a professor who has had a significant impact on their learning and experience on campus to be the recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award.

Hoboken Community Center says happy Howl-O-Ween!

On October 28, from 2 to 4 p.m. in Church Square Park, Hoboken Community Center’s second annual Howl-O-Ween event commenced. Hoboken Community Center (HCC) is a non-profit organization that has a food pantry, helps house low-income men, and gives the community affordable housing programs.

ASKtivation bracelet making night

On November 2, the Active Minds club hosted ASKtivation, a bracelet-making night to raise awareness about the club’s new national initiative, ASK.