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Posts published in “News”

New Palmer plaza to freshen up campus

Construction scrims have sprung up around the east side of Palmer Hall as work begins on a new plaza and series of walkways around the first-year dormitory.

Troubles abound with Spring 2024 registration

Every college student embarks on the semesterly challenge that is registering for classes; All each student really wants is to face minimal stress and craft an ideal schedule.

“DuckLink 2.0” gearing up for Spring launch

The way that students discover and interact with campus organizations is about to change substantially, as the old DuckLink application is soon to be decommissioned and replaced with a new version.

Meet Olof, SGA Vice President of Operations

Olof Persson will be presiding over the Student Body as the Vice President of Operations (VPO) of the Student Government Association (SGA) for the upcoming 2024 term.

Meet Nick Smith, incoming SGA President

Following an unopposed election, Nick Smith has officially become the Student Government Association President-elect, where he is set to lead the organization for the upcoming Spring and Fall semesters.

Are legacy admissions over?

College admissions is one of the nerve wracking events in many young people’s lives. Part of why college admissions is so scary is because how much is unknown in the process.