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Posts published in “News”

SSE to be integrated into SES

Per an announcement for the Office of the Provost on January 18, the School of Systems and Enterprises (SSE) will become a department in the Charles V.

Order up! Updates to dining

The UCC Marketplace has had updates to its menu and branding every semester since its opening. Residential and Dining Services (RDS) has been making updates based on student feedback, and the feedback has been vehement.

CAPS sponsors mental health awareness survey

In a collaborative initiative aimed at fortifying mental health support on campus, the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at Stevens Institute of Technology has forged a strategic alliance with the University of Michigan to administer the Healthy Minds Survey.

Tunnels under NYC?

Young members of the Orthodox Jewish movement Chabad were discovered to have been digging a tunnel underneath their New York headquarters in mid-January, resulting in a conflict between members of the movement and police.

From upcharges to outrage: new options at the UCC

At the start of the Spring semester, the UCC revealed two new dining options: Happy Appy, an appetizer-themed location, and Yella’s, a rendition of an existing burger joint in Hawthorne, NJ.

Winter storm highlights new emergency protocols

Two weeks ago, Stevens classes went fully remote for a day—for the first time this semester—after a snowstorm was forecasted to cause icy conditions and bring a few inches of snow.

Cameras in dorm elevators raise safety and privacy concerns

One responsibility of the administration is the safety of the students and other members of the Stevens community. In their continuing initiative to ensure campus protection, the Office of Residential and Dining Services (RDS) announced the installation of security surveillance cameras in the elevator cars for the dormitory halls. 

Floating pool coming to the East River

A “first-of-its-kind” floating pool is coming to New York City in 2025. Mayor Eric Adams and New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced that the city and state will fund a $12 million “+Pool” to sit in the Hudson River.