The Alpha Epsilon Delta pre-medical honor society invited chemistry, chemical biology, and biology students to meet their department heads this past Wednesday.
Posts published in “News”
This past Wednesday, the students of Girls Fight Back delivered an informative session about student assaults on campuses across the country.
Heightened preparations for Hurricane Joaquin and lost Assassins information and point totals effectively halted the Red and Grey Experience’s momentum, full-stop.
The freshmen at Stevens might be considered the most targeted students on campus. As the newest members of the Stevens community, they are willing to participate in all types of events, from pre-orientation city escapades and outdoor adventures to inter-dormitory dodgeball tournaments.
Hoboken mayor Dawn Zimmer will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony and inaugural “first ride” for the new bike share program at 11:30 am on Friday, October 9.
On the second floor of Morton, in the corner across from the Richardson Room, is a bookshelf containing a myriad of texts, available to all students under one simple rule: take a book, leave a book.
The Stevens chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers explored the wonders of science this past Tuesday by mixing liquid nitrogen and heavy cream to produce ice cream.
On this past Wednesday, October 7th, DeBaun Auditorium was filled with a plethora of finance professionals and students all ready to listen attentively to the wise words of wisdom from an experienced Goldman Sachs executive.
The Office of Undergraduate Academics located on the first floor of the Edwin A. Stevens building is never quiet. Students in all disciplines, in all grades, with very different needs will most likely stop in EAS 119 before their time at Stevens comes to a close.
For many students, the online petition began by SGA senator Colin Aitken this past Wednesday was the first news of club sports no longer receiving physical education (P.E.)