An Off Center rehearsal is filled with chatter from its members brainstorming. “Will this be funny? Can we use this prop?
Posts published in “News”
On Wednesday, Feb. 8, President Farvardin held a review of the Stevens’ Strategic Plan. Farvardin covered the central goals of the strategic plan as well as some of the details of its effects on the university.
From Jan. 27 until Jan. 29, the Stevens Student Government Association held emergency elections for Senate vacancies. The results are in: the new Freshman Senator is Jared Hobbie, the new Sophomore Senators are Patrick Sobota and Melanie Caba, and Anthony Piccone is one of the new Junior Senators.
Twelfth Night, presented by Stevens Dramatic Society (SDS), is definitely a production you don’t want to miss! The Shakespearean comedy is centered around Viola, a young woman who has lost her brother, and is shipwrecked on the land of Illyria.
On Monday, Jan. 30, Mayor Dawn Zimmer gave her seventh State of the City address to the people of Hoboken. The event kicked off with opening remarks from assemblywoman Anette Chaparro and a performance by the Garden Street School of Performing Arts.
With the start of a new semester, as students go back to their busy lifestyles and living in close quarters, the Stevens community was sent an advisory in regards to an individual case of measles in Hudson County earlier this week.
President Donald Trump issued an executive order greatly limiting immigration into the United States on Friday, Jan. 27. Though the administration is hesitant to call it a ban, the order “suspends entry into the United States” for seven particular countries.
President Donald Trump addressed the nation this past Tuesday via the unconventional means of Facebook Live, and nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch as his choice for the role of Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
On Jan. 31, the city of Hoboken celebrated the groundbreaking of the 700 Jackson development project, to be located at 700 Jackson street.
On Jan. 31, 2017, Betsy DeVos was approved by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) to serve as Secretary of Education in President Trump’s administration.