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Posts published in “News”

Stevens competes in RecycleMania

Stevens is currently participating in an international recycling competition called RecycleMania. Stevens’ own environmental organizations, ESW (engineers for a sustainable world) and SAVE (Students against violating the Earth), are competing with over 100 other schools from the US and Canada to see who can recycle the most per capita over a designated 8-week period.

KSA Holidays of Love

In Korea, there is more than one holiday related to love. There’s the traditional Valentine’s day, where it is customary for the female partner to give a gift to the male.

Islamic State attack in Pakistan kills 72

During the evening of February 16, 2017, a suicide bomber attacked the Sufi shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Sehwan, Pakistan.

What is the SGA’s job?

In its official capacity, the Student Government Association stands to “provide for the general welfare of the Student Body”  and “govern the Student Body, and represent its interest”. 

Kim Jong-Nam killed in airport

On Monday, February 13, Kim Jong-Nam, the son of late North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il, was killed in an airport. CCTV cameras recorded him being approached by two women, who appeared to spray some sort of liquid onto him.