Also by Kevin Shah
On Wednesday, March 22, 2017, SGA, Amnesty International, College Democrats, WCPR, University Events, and Campus Police joined efforts to host Stevens For Solidarity.
Also by Kevin Shah
On Wednesday, March 22, 2017, SGA, Amnesty International, College Democrats, WCPR, University Events, and Campus Police joined efforts to host Stevens For Solidarity.
Starting on Monday, Mar. 20, the United States Senate Judiciary Committee began hearings to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court with nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch.
In Africa, 32% of sub-Saharan Africans, do not have access to safe drinking water.
About 27 million people, in Somalia, South Sudan, northeastern Nigeria and Yemen, do not have access to clean water.
Alpha Phi is joining Stevens campus this semester as the campus’s fifth sorority. Alpha Phi has been in talks to join since 2014, along with Sigma Delta Tau, in a stacking procedure.
The illegal trafficking and hunting of preserved wildlife is one of the world’s largest criminal activities; which affects numerous endangered species.
In 1976, Habitat for Humanity International was founded to be a non-governmental and nonprofit organization, located in over 70 countries. Its mission is to create a world where everyone has a place to live.
Kappa Sigma hosted their first annual Stronger than Cancer event on Tuesday, March 7 in Schaefer Gym. This fundraiser event was in honor of Aedan Wall, the biological brother of Liam Wall, a Brother of Kappa Sigma at Stevens.
On Tuesday March 7th, WikiLeaks released the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, code-named “Vault 7”.
On Tuesday, Feb. 28th, President Donald Trump gave his first address to a joint session of congress. Trump’s speech covered topics including condemning hatred and racism, a military build-up, immigration reform, tax reform, and rebuilding infrastructure.
This Tuesday, an Amazon storage center in northern Virginia effectively shut down for about four hours. This affected access to many websites across the east coast and, to a lesser extent, the world, including IFTTT, Imgur, SoundCloud, DownDetector, and, perhaps most notably for Stevens students, Canvas.