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Posts published in “National Affairs”

North Korean Missile Launches Cause International Stir

Since Kim Jong-Un took power over North Korea after the death of his father, he has been running the country emphasizing just how much power he has over his people: frequent military parades, public executions of political enemies, and consistently reminding the people about the “dangers” of the West (particularly the United States of America).

Earthquake kills over 200 in Central Mexico

On Sept. 19, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit the Puebla State of Mexico, about 71 miles southeast of Mexico City. The states of Morelos, Guerrero, Oaxaca, and Mexico have also been damaged by the earthquake, the second to hit Mexico since the 1985 Mexico City earthquake that killed nearly 10,000 people.

Hurricane Maria Strikes An Already-Crushed Caribbean

Two weeks after the devastating Hurricane Irma, Puerto Rico was battered by another storm, Hurricane Maria. The storm’s 155 miles-per-hour winds spanned across the entire territory, prompting thousands to take refuge and wrecking an already-crushed island.

Equifax Credit Breach

Among the crazy weather last week, with multiple hurricanes, and even an earthquake in southern Mexico, it’s easy to have missed the Equifax credit breach that was announced on September 7th, in what many are calling the “worst data breach in the history of the modern era.”

Heeeeeeeeeeeeerrres Harvey

On Friday, August 26th, Hurricane Harvey made landfall in the small Texas town of Rockport. The storm devastated the area as it made its way inland to Houston, which was inundated with floods and rain, which broke all previous rainfall records for a single storm in the continental US, with 51.88 inches recorded.

Dozens killed in Syrian chemical attack

On Tuesday, April 4, the Syrian government was accused of carrying out a chemical attack on an area held by rebel groups.

Rump Administration calls The Stupe fake news

On Tuesday morning President Rump sent out another provoking tweet this time aimed at the Stupe. “We had another great News Conference at Rump Tower today.

Drumpf assassin detained

Last Thursday, an assassin was arrested at the White House for an attempted assassination on Conald Rump. Reports say he was pointing a loaded gun at the president for ten minutes without pulling the trigger before being apprehend by the Secret Service.