This Wednesday, April 22, marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and the pandemic has not stopped the Stevens community from celebrating.
Posts published in “Campus News”
Coronavirus has not stopped the mermaids from swimming to campus. On April 5th, the founding class, “The Menente Line” of Lambda Tau Omega was announced on Instagram.
In order to ensure that students are maintaining their health during quarantine, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) has begun helping students through the use of teletherapy.
Stockpiles of medical supplies are running near empty across the United States as the COVID-19 outbreak continues. Despite the dreariness of lockdown and quarantine, people continue to step up and help their local communities out in any way possible.
With many events and gatherings across the globe getting cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, events that were planned to take place at Stevens are no exception.
Despite the current pandemic, life goes on. This is especially true for the incoming class of 2024, for whom Stevens finalized admissions for the final round of decisions last week.

When Stevens started cancelling events in the first week of March, everyone in Stevens Dramatic Society (SDS) hoped and prayed that our production of The Addams Family would be spared.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of students have returned to their respective homes. As a result, some students have had to adapt to a change in time zone.
With classes moving online for the rest of the semester, some students have started questioning whether or not the Honor System still applies.
The modern news cycle has become a dizzying parade of minute-by-minute updates on the Democratic presidential primaries and caucuses, as well as the novel coronavirus, outpourings of praise and blame for President Trump, personal attacks on individuals and organizations alike from across both sides of the political aisle, complicated discussions on more nuanced issues in foreign and domestic affairs, and far, far more.