With dozens of events happening on campus this week, getting involved is easy. Check out this list of events from October 3 to October 9 that you can register for today!
Posts published in “Campus News”
As students in the fall semester get settled into the routine of classes and social activities, campus fraternities gain new members after bid day celebrations.
On Monday, September 27, the Hoboken Health Department and Hoboken Family Pharmacy began offering Pfizer booster shots to individuals who are 65 years or older and have received two doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at least six months ago.
Early last week, unknown students vandalized several bathrooms in Humphreys Hall. It is not yet known the student or group of students who caused the damage, and if this remains the case a fine will be issued to all residents on the affected floors.
Stevens recently began a complete renovation of the Howe Post Office in order to increase efficiency, accessibility, and functionality. The project is currently in the design phase and is expected to be completed in summer 2022.
On Wednesday, September 22, Stevens held the Illumination Ceremony to commemorate the upcoming completion and opening of the University Center Complex.
On September 7, the Office of Undergraduate Student Life at Stevens welcomed a new Student Life Administrative Assistant, Natasha Oramas. Oramas received her Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from Boston University, and she worked in medical device marketing and sales for three years before accepting her current position at Stevens.
It’s never too late to get involved. Check out this list of events from September 26 to October 2 that you can register for today!
The return back to in-person classes has posed challenges regarding classroom assignments. Some of these problems include missing classroom assignments for course sections and overcrowded rooms with more students than seats.
On September 17 and 18, The Lore-El Center for Women’s Leadership hosted their biennial LeadHERship Conference. This year the conference celebrated the 50th anniversary of women being admitted to Stevens with the theme of “Learning From the Past, Facing the Future.”