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Posts published in “Campus News”

Still alive: the elusive Khoda lives on

The Stute released an article providing updates on Khoda, Stevens’ secret society, on February 18. While it was initially speculated that Khoda was no longer running as the website had not been updated since 2019, it has now come to light that the secret society is still very much alive, with a typical number of members as compared to historical data.

Pride Week at Stevens

Pride Week is a Stevens tradition, stretching from Saturday, April 2 to Friday, April 8. Liliana Delman, Director of Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion explained, “Pride Week is an annual campus tradition celebrating the LGBTQ+ community [… ] A collaboration between Torch Alliance, oSTEM, the Diversity & Inclusion Committee, the Athletics Department and the Office of DEI, Pride Week is an opportunity to celebrate Pride during the school year when everyone is on campus, since the official Pride Month is in June.” 

Stevens Dramatic Society’s She Loves Me

Last week, Stevens Dramatic Society (SDS) came back with their second production this school year, She Loves Me. This was SDS’s first in-person musical since the pandemic and took place from March 31 to April 2 in the DeBaun Auditorium.

Music and Technology students sign petition for more campus spaces

On March 17, 2022, Stevens students from the Music and Technology program sent out a petition asking for increased campus space to accommodate the academic and creative needs of individuals in the program, saying that “the students of the Music and Technology department do not have enough space on campus to adequately and satisfactorily fulfill academic requirements and learning goal” in the petition’s longer description.

Dorm options at Stevens

Stevens has a variety of housing options for incoming first-year students, and each hall has its unique benefits and detractions. There are a few common amenities in each hall, including free laundry facilities and available kitchen spaces in each dorm.

River Street tree planting project

As you may have noticed in the past couple of weeks, River Street has been bustling with construction due to the River Street Tree Planting Project.