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Posts published in “Features”

What will it take to improve mental health in STEM

Disclaimer: This article discusses topics of mental health, depression, and suicide

The Stevens motto, Per Aspera Ad Astra, or “Through Adversity, To the Stars,” is indeed a stellar choice of words to describe the experience at this tech school.

Want to reduce stress? Listen to music

Walking to class, studying, hanging out with friends, getting a workout in — what do all of these activities have in common?

Accessible adventures across Hoboken and NYC

There are many attractions and places in the area that are accessible and can accommodate those with accessibility needs. Here’s a roundup of a few places in the Hoboken and New York City area that are definitely worth visiting and most importantly, are accessible for various needs.

Equity: why physical accommodations are important

Equity is one of the most important factors of any school environment. It is the assurance that all students, regardless of extraneous circumstances or background, are given the resources and opportunities needed to allow for an equal outcome to their peers.

Universal design

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990, 34 years ago. It enshrined the rights of people with disabilities, preventing discrimination and requiring accommodations to be made to meet their needs.

Credit cards: what to know

Credit history is the reflection of how well you manage your money and debt, including credit cards and other loans. Understanding the impact this can have on your life is crucial, as it can have long-term effects on your life including determining how easily you will be able to retire.

How to get housing beyond campus

Getting their own apartments is many students’ goal; to live on their own and support themselves can be either a dream or a nightmare.

Tips to get cooking with gas

Navigating a kitchen can be stressful for first-timers, whether it’s feeling like you don’t have the right ingredients or the right tools.

Student-savers: Where to find student discounts

One of the hardest parts of adulting is the monetary cost, especially as a college student. However, one of the best parts of being a college student is the student discounts — as long as you know where to look.