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Posts published in “Features”

Relay for Life’s “Carnival for a Cure”

On Wednesday, February 24th, the Stevens Relay for Life organization hosted a carnival in the Babbio Center as part of their efforts to fundraise for this year’s Relay.

Know your IX

The term “Title IX” appears quite often on Stevens campus, but many students are unaware of the gravitas that it holds.

9/11: Never too far away

Gazing across the Hudson River, everything seems in place. The Empire State building emits its various color combinations of lights, and the Chrysler building sits quietly in the distance.

Meeting the Greeks

26 fraternities and four sororities that make up Stevens’ undergraduate Greek life assembled on Schaefer and Humphreys lawns’ on Wednesday to give away freebies, display their letters, highlight their accomplishments, and introduce interested members of  the student body to the possibilities that come with joining Greek life.